Gaspard Sauvignon Blanc: Top Wines Under $20 that Feed the Soul

In a recent article in the New York Times, wine writer Eric Asimov spoke about how wine affects him during this pandemic.

In these strange times, I find grounding in wine. Not through self-medication, though I do not disparage the buzz. But simply through the fascinating combination of grape, place and person that can make every good bottle either a new adventure or an old, beloved story.

We were very pleased to discover that he included amongst his choices the beautiful Gaspard Sauvignon Blanc, a delicious natural wine with wide appeal.

Gaspard Vin de France Sauvignon Blanc

Jenny & François is one of the pioneering American importers of natural wines. Gaspard is the name of its private label, and this wine is delicious. Made from sauvignon blanc grown in the Touraine region of the Loire Valley, this wine will not remind you of the more pungent sauvignon blanc associated with New Zealand. It’s a more gentle, resonant style reminiscent of a restrained Sancerre. (Jenny & François Selections, New York)

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